
Dear Young Friend,

Children’s one day meditation courses presented by Alberta Vipassana are exclusively for children and teens between the ages of 8 to 17. Children interested in a course must read the code of conduct and timetable below very carefully and complete the required medical emergency form and application form. Parents must complete the permission form and return it with your application. After we receive your completed application and permission forms, accepted students will receive a letter of welcome to attend the course.

During a children’s course, you will learn how to practice Anapana meditation – awareness of respiration – along with the five “promises” or precepts. These courses have been specifically designed for children. You will have the chance to practice Anapana meditation with guided instructions in the meditation hall for periods of up to 30 minutes. These sessions are mixed with story and discussion sessions, break periods and games and art activities throughout the day.

In the words of some children who have completed similar meditation courses at other Vipassana centers around the world:

I learned that I like meditating because it makes me feel relaxed.

At school if I need to concentrate on what the teacher is doing or saying I can use Anapana. And if I am mad and angry I can use Anapana.

I think meditation is very important in this busy world because it helps us to maintain a stable state of our mind and also it helps us to do our work with right understanding.

Please refer to the course schedule for dates and locations of one-day courses for children and teens. If you have any questions, you may contact the children’s course organizer at the email below.

For more information, please visit


Alberta Vipassana Foundation is a registered non-profit charitable organization. Charity Number: BN 85502 1739 RR0001