
Please make sure you inform the Registrar of your travel plans. For all updates to your transportation information: if your plans change, if you miss a flight or find alternative transportation or are delayed in anyway please contact the Registrar at or call: (403) 908-0346.

Plan to arrive at the Center no later than 5:00 PM on the day the course starts. The course ends at approximately 7:00 AM on the last day, and is followed by breakfast and cleanup. All activities are generally complete by 10:00 AM on the last day of the course.

  • Rideshare Board
  • Arrivals by Airplane
  • Driving to the Center

If you need a ride to the Center, from another city or from the local area, please visit our online Ride Share Board. This volunteer run board may help you find a ride to the center with another student.

Rideshare Board

The information on how to access the rideshare board is given in the email acceptance letter when the enrollment has been accepted to the course.

Arrivals by Airplane

Please try to arrive before or around 12:00 noon on the day the course begins. Your departing flight should leave after 1:00 pm on the last day of the course, to allow time to get to the airport.

Tell us the following information about your flight:

  • Airline
  • Flight Number
  • Arrival From What City
  • Arrival Time
  • Arrival Airport

Driving to the Center

For driving directions to and maps of the Center please use the Google Map link and enter your starting address.

View on Google Maps 

(Google Map directions to Range Road 93 and Township Road 300, Youngstown, Alberta)

GPS: 51.533670, -111.199564

Alberta Vipassana Foundation is a registered non-profit charitable organization. Charity Number: BN 85502 1739 RR0001